Database Management to Suppport Automatic Placement of 3D Building Models to A Simulated Scene

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Database Management to Suppport Automatic Placement of 3D Building Models to A Simulated Scene

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Title: Database Management to Suppport Automatic Placement of 3D Building Models to A Simulated Scene
Author: Tanvilaipong, Nithinun; Chalainanont, Nirut; Kumsap, Chamnan
Abstract: To create a scene in a virtual world as close as possible to a real world counterpart requires a lot of manual steps and subsequently time. In order to reduce the steps and time above, geo databases with the spatial extension combining with a customized data management application shown here can be used. Combining this application with other applications such as image comparison applications, can help achieve the automation of the process of placing model such as military buildings into a scene. This application was developed as web application using geo spatial open source software and tools such as Openlayer and Geoserver. It operates on vector data stored in PostGIS database. Scene developers can use the application to search for different GIS-layers’ data of an area. Search arguments can be a key word or coordinates, which need the spatial processing ability of the PostGIS DBMS to find results. The search results are mapped with the matched models. This helps reducing the scene developing time. In this paper, the focus is on how the aforementioned application and database design help ease the process of automated placing matched 3D models into scenes based on vector data of GIS Layers in the database and how this application is developed. With continual improvement of GIS open source software, a spatial database management program can be easily built. Moreover, the use of these open source software can reduce the cost of virtual world products. DTI as a research organization can and will benefit from this.
Date: 2558

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